Retro Horror Jam Day 10-12 Interactable, Explosions, Puzzles, and Lore

Day 10


  • Decided the route players must traverse to see and find everything in the map.
  • Made fine-tuning adjustments.
  • Started adding diaries, journals, and notes around the map.

Day 11


  • New pickup and interactable objects added.
  • Pushable crates added.
  • Implemented the computer locking puzzle.
  • Designed additional timelines to enhance visual fidelity.

Day 12


  • Built exploding barrels that can hurt enemies.

Next Steps:

  • Thoroughly test the new features for any issues.
  • Continue integrating and refining gameplay elements.
  • Collect player feedback and make necessary adjustments.
  • Plan and implement more puzzles and interactive elements.

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