Devlog - September 25, 2024 - New Areas!

Devlog - September 25, 2024

It’s been a busy but productive time, and I’ve made some solid progress across different parts of the project. Here's a quick rundown of what I’ve been working on:

Progress and Updates


  • All Resident Evil Survivor Areas Ripped: I’ve now ripped every single area from Resident Evil Survivor. This is a huge milestone since these areas are going to form the base for the environments in the game, providing a solid foundation to build on.
  • Horror Template Improvements: I’ve also been working on updates to the horror template, making it easier for developers to create atmospheric and engaging horror games. These tweaks should give more flexibility and streamline certain systems, allowing for faster development and more polished results.
  • New Areas and Story: I've started working on some fresh areas and have been building a basic storyline to tie everything together. The story is still in the early stages, but it’s coming together and will help shape the overall direction of the game.

Next Steps:

  • Keep expanding the new areas and fleshing out the story. There’s still a lot of work to do, but things are starting to take shape.
  • Continue refining the horror template. There’s always room for improvement, and the more feedback I get, the better I can make it.
  • Listen to feedback from other developers and players. Their input will help me make sure everything is running smoothly and improve things where needed.

If you're reading this, please feel free to share the devlog! If you find any issues or have feedback, don’t hesitate to post a message on or reach out to me directly on Discord at MPH64. Your feedback helps me make the game better!

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